Detectable Safety Knife, Penguin 1000

$18.37 AUD
SKU: 57/KN31P101062
"Designed for heavy-duty disposable use, BST’s Detectable Penguin 1000 is ergonomically designed to protect the user with a clever ambidextrous design that allows two passages for piercing, and then cutting, through shrink wrap, plastic strapping and packaging tape.
  • Metal detectable
  • Disposable
  • Concealed stainless-steel blade
  • 2 passages for piercing and then cutting
  • Integral stainless-steel tape cutter on one side of the knife body
  • Manufactured from food safe polypropylene plastic
  • Available in 4 colours
Technical information
Product Code 57/KN31P10106+
Colour Options, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow
Metal & X-ray Detectable: Yes
FDA Approved: Yes
EU Approved: Yes"